Age Guidance: All are welcome
Lewisham Stop Smoking Service provides free and friendly support to stop smoking at Deptford Library.
Are you tired of watching your money go up in smoke? Worried about your health, or that of your loved ones? Do you want to be free from the addiction and get back some control?
The Lewisham Stop Smoking Team is running a stop smoking clinic at Deptford Library every Wednesday from 9.30 am – 4.30 pm each week to help you kick the habit for good. The clinic is open to any smoker that lives, works, or studies in the borough, or if you are registered to a Lewisham GP, and you only need to call 0800 0820 388 to book an appointment.
In the clinic you will get 1:1 support, a personal quit plan, free or prescription medications (including vapes), weekly CO readings, text messages and much more… Call 0800 0820 388 or email [email protected] to book an appointment today.